HIGH RESOLUTION SATELLITES: Acquisition Date: 01-Sep-2006 File Name: QuickBird_Klondike_RGB_60cm_Sep2006_NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_7N Sensor: QuickBird Location: Dawson / Klondike Highway Resolution (m): 0.59999999999999676 Cloud Cover (%): 0 Horizontal Accuracy (m): 1.8 Licensee: Government of Yukon Acquisition Date: 14-Jul-2009 File Name: GeoEye_Klondike_88_1_0-4_50cm_14July2009_NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_7N Sensor: GeoEye-1 Location: Stewart River / Pelly River / Klondike Highway Resolution (m): 0.5 Cloud Cover (%): 40 Horizontal Accuracy (m): 1.5 Licensee: Government of Yukon MEDIUM RESOLUTION SATELLITES: Acquisition Date: 13-Jul-2013 Name: SPOT6_DawsonLUP8_321_150cm_13Jul2013 Acquisition Date: me":"SPOT6" Geography: {No such attribute} LowPS: 1.5 Cloud Cover: 0 H_Acc: {No such attribute} Licensee: {No such attribute} Acquisition Date: 23-Aug-2020 Name: SPOT6_DawsonLUP_321_150cm_23Aug2020 Acquisition Date: me":"SPOT6" Geography: {No such attribute} LowPS: 1.5 Cloud Cover: 15 H_Acc: {No such attribute} Licensee: {No such attribute} Acquisition Date: 31-Jul-2020 Name: SPOT7_DawsonLUP_321_150cm_31Jul2020 Acquisition Date: me":"SPOT7" Geography: {No such attribute} LowPS: 1.5 Cloud Cover: 5 H_Acc: {No such attribute} Licensee: {No such attribute} Acquisition Date: 21-Jul-2019 Name: SPOT7_DawsonLUP_321_150cm_21Jul2019_A Acquisition Date: me":"SPOT7" Geography: {No such attribute} LowPS: 1.5 Cloud Cover: 15 H_Acc: {No such attribute} Licensee: {No such attribute} AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS: Acquisition Date: 13-Sep-2015 Name: Ortho7080000N Sensor: Unknown Location: Coffee Creek Road Resolution (m): 0.29999999999999999 CloudCover: {No such attribute} Horizontal Accuracy (m): 1 Licensee: Public